The Night and Time and Day of the Doctor is an 18 page PDF detailing rules, stats and scenarios from the 3 stories presented in 2013 as part of Doctor Who's 50th anniversary.
The 8th Doctor crashes on Karn and is regenrated into the War Doctor by the Sisterhood of Karn. The 10th and 11th Doctors meet him in 1562, and must make some terrible decisions about how to save Gallifrey. Then the 11st Doctor becomes trapped on Trenzalore, beseiged by alien invaders, at the end of his regeneration cycle.
This PDF contains:
- 20 stat cards and full fules from the Sisterhood of Karn to the War Doctor, Kate Stewart, modern UNIT and Osgood, and Tasha Lem and her Papal Mainframe forces and more.
- Background for all 3 stories
- 3 diverse scenarios allowing you to game in these stories – rescue the Doctor on Karn, find the real Queen Elizabeth I and hold off the aliens invading the Town of Christmas
DWMG The Night and Day and Time of the Doctor PDF